showing 13 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Alien Breed 2: Assault Team17 Software2010 38thcentury 4thmillennium achievements airlocks alienbreed aliens ammomagazines androids asphyxiation assaultrifles biogrowth biotechnology bodyarmor bossbattles burning cliffhanger corridors dark dedicatedclient difficulty distantfuture distortedvision doors doors-automatic download elevators engineerprotagonist environmentalcontact episodic evilgenius explosiveobjects extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms flamethrowers friendlyfire future giantmonsters giants glowsuits grenades handguns healingitems independentaim indoors interspecificconflict keys lamp lasersight machineguns map mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative mp-survival netranking objectiveindicator oldskoolsecurity openal openended physx playerteasing radar recap reload-auto reload-manual restorepower robots rockets screenshake secrets sequelhook sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns slobbery slowbackpedal spacecraft-location spacefaringage stamina stickysurfaces stungrenades suicideattackers temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures turrets unrealengine unrealengine3 upgradesystem voicechat wadsofcash walking weaponupgrades xblm labelimageminimize
Alien: Isolation SEGA (Creative Assembly)2014 1life airlocks alienfranchise alienmenace aliens androids chromaticaberration contextualmovement corpselooting crafting dark decoys depthoffield eventdirector extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist firearms flamethrowers flares future glowingeyes hacking havokphysics hunted incendiarygrenades instantkillers interactionhighlight juggernauts keys ladders lamp leaning metroidvania minigames monsters motiondetector nohealthregen npcstrife overpowered savepoints scaleform screenshake smokegrenades spacecraft-location spacestation stealth stealthgame stunprods survivalhorror wwise labelimageminimize
Braid Microsoft (Number None)2008 did doors hopandbop igfinnovationaward indie instantstart keys killerrabbits levelhub nomenu puzzleplatformer rating-esrb-e10 stylized time-theme timecontrol titlementioned undo unreliablenarrator xblm Braid is a puzzle-platformer, drawn in a painterly style, where the player manipulates the flow of time in strange and unusual ways. From a house in the city, journey to a series of worlds and solve puzzles to rescue an abducted princess. In each world, you have a different power to affect the way time behaves, and it is time's strangeness that creates the puzzles. The time behaviors include: the ability to rewind, objects that are immune to being rewound, time that is tied to space, parallel realities, time dilation, and perhaps more. Braid treats your time and attention as precious; there is no filler in this game. Every puzzle shows you something new and interesting about the game world. labelimagesubject
Darksiders  THQ;Konami (Vigil Games)2010 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aftertheend airdash alienearth alteredreality angelofdeath angels antiheroprotagonist apocalyptic autorun autosavepoints autumnal backtracking balance-theme blocking bonusbosses boomerangs bossbattles burrowers captives cave cemetery changinggoals chargers city collectibles colorcodednpcs colossi combomoves counselor counterattacks darksiders-series dashing deathworld demons difficulty dimensionaltravel dissolvingcorpses dodging doors doors-autoclosing download earth elevators endlessconflict endtime energyweapons environmentalpuzzle equipmentexperience fallimpact fasttravel finishingmoves flood flyingislands fmod fourhorsemen gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantshoulderpads giantspiders giantworms gliding gore grapplinghook gryphons hackandslash handguns havokphysics hellscape hud-dynamic hugeweapons humanoidprotagonist improvisedweapons inorganics insectoids interactivetriggers juggernauts jumping keys knockback ladders lostpowers macho magic magicaltechnology magneticshoulders medieval meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping monkeybars monsters mythicfigure naga neutralmonsters nofalldamage northamerica obligation openended paradise pawn portals postapocalypse powerthrow quicktimeevent rage rating-esrb-m recurringopponent revenge rewardingvandalism riding robots ruins scaleform sciencefantasy screenshake scythes secrets sequelhook simulacrums singlesave sorcery souls splatter subway supermode supernaturalprotagonist swarmers sweepingstrikes swimming swords targetlock tasteofpower teleporters temple temporarycompanions thedestroyer thrownweapons timeskip traproom tunnels tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated undead underwaterdiving unlimitedammo upgradesystem walking wasteland waterjumping weaponexperience wellofsouls labelimageminimize
Dead Block Namco Bandai Games (Candygun Games)2011 3ormoreplayers barricading controlswitch cooperation decoys endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay fragileprotagonist glowingeyes healingstations improvisedweapons keys mp-cooperative music-rock nonsense npcspawning overpowered quicktimeevent radar randomlocations rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rewardingvandalism scavenging search survival trapping xblm zombieapocalypse zombies labelimageminimize
Dead Space 3  Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013 24thcentury 26thcentury aaa airlocks alternateattack augmentedreality clingers cooperation crafting crafting-weapons cutsceneinvulnerability dark day1dlc deadspace diegeticui difficulty dismemberment dodging doors eldritchabominations electricweapons elevators energyweapons erraticfoes extraterrestrial falseprotagonist fanservice-tech firearms future giantmachine gore grotesque hallucinations healingitems hud-explained insaneprotagonist inventory itemglow keys knockback lamp lasthope mines monsters mp-cooperative newgameplus nofriendlyfire openended optionaltasks perplayerloot postcreditsscene puzzles ragers recap reload-lossy reload-manual rewardingvandalism screenshake selfsacrifice shotguns silentvoid space spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacesuit spacewalking spearguns splatter stomping suicideattackers teamawareness telekinesis tumbling undefinedelements universalammo upgradesystem walking weaponcombining weapondesigning zero-g labelimageminimize
FEZ Polytron2012 autosavepoints autosaves-periodic containers cryptography fnaxna glitchvisuals indie invisibleplatforms keys movingplatforms music-chiptune newgameplus nohud nonhumanprotagonist perspectivebasedreality pixelated puzzleplatformer rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 teleporters titularobject undefinedelements virtualglitching xblm Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. Or is he? When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space. Use your ability to navigate 3D structures from 4 distinct classic 2D perspectives. Explore a serene and beautiful open-ended world full of secrets, puzzles and hidden treasures. Unearth the mysteries of the past and discover the truth about reality and perception. Change your perspective and look at the world in a different way. labelimagesubject
Hydrophobia  Microsoft Game Studios (Dark Energy Digital)2010 2050s actionadventure aimassist ammotypes asphyxiation chargingweapons collectibles coversystem dark-limited depthoffield diaries difficulty directionalforce directionalforce-current earth engineerprotagonist envcombat expanded explosiveobjects fallbackweapon femaleprotagonist future handguns havokphysics hydrokinesis indie jumping keys ladders lamp ledges liquidphysics map map-3d meaningfultitle nanotechnology objectiveindicator postapocalypse prophecy rating-esrb-m remotedetonators shallowwater stealth survivalhorror swimming terrorism terrorists underwaterdiving unlockable-modes walking watercraft-location watery xblm Hydrophobia Pure was a free but rather large content update that significantly reworked how the game works, trying to fix most of what people felt were bad about it.***[media=youtube]YfgJJB3OrUE[/media] labelimageminimize
Resident Evil 5  Capcom2009 achillesheelfoes actionadventure africa airboat ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints biotechnology bodyarmor bodyhorror bossbattles capacity-slots capacity-stacks companion containers cooperation crocodilians diaries difficulty dissolvingitems distortedvision doors earth elevatorbattle elevators explosiveobjects firearms gianthumanoids giantmonsters grenadelaunchers grenades grenades-impact grotesque handguns hatchers havokphysics healingitems humanexperiments insectoids inventory investigatorprotagonist itemglow keys knives ladders latemodernperiod limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage loot-random loot-unexpected map monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-survival mtframework multilingual newgameplus objectiveindicator obligation obsoletedassets pain precisionrifles prematuredetonation present prologue quicktimeevent ragers recurringopponent redeemingbeatdown reload-manual researchfacility residentevil residentevil-main restorepower rewardingvandalism rockets ruins secretfacility sequence-turret serious shallowwater shopping shore shotguns speech-african stationaryattack stungrenades stunning stunprods submachineguns subterranean targetdesignator telescope tentaclecreatures thermalweapons town tutorial upgrades-permanent upgradesystem watercraft-location weaponupgrades wetland zombies One of the most popular Resident Evil titles comes to Xbox One in full 1080p HD with an increased frame rate. Featuring single-player and co-op modes and a dramatic storyline, this fully-loaded release includes all previously released DLC (Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape story expansions, Versus mode, extra figures and 4 costumes), and the previously PC-exclusive No Mercy mode, as well as the new mode "The Mercenaries United" which combines the two fan-favorite modes, The Mercenaries and The Mercenaries Reunion for an even more intense experience.***
Risen Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2009 1life 2hmeleeweapons achillesheelfoes adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol altruism animals attrbasedeq autorun axes ballistics beggars blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bows canines capacity-unlimited cave chargedattack chemistry circadiancycle compass containers cooking corpselooting counterattacks coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criminalactivity crossbows defensebreaking depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame displacementfiction dock dodging doors drugs dynamicweather enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage fallimpact forest giantbirds graverobbing healingitems healingstations holstering humanoids inbuilttraps insectoids interactivedialogs inventory island itemglow jewelry jumping keys knockback lawenforcers ledges lockpicking magic magicrings maleprotagonist map mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons mockfights monastery monsters noenergyregen nohealthregen npcschedules obscuredtime obsoletedassets optionaltasks outlaws pickpocketing polearms potions premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prospecting prostitutes quake quickkeys resting risen-series roadsigns ruins scavenging screenshake scrolls serious shallowwater shields shopping singlegenderopposition skeletons sorcery spears ssao staves stealing stealth stranded subterranean swords tages tasktracker thickvegetation threatdisplay titlementioned town trespassing tropic tunnels tutorial undead walking xp-deeds xp-kills xp-objects An epic story in an authentic world hand-crafted with an eye for detail and populated by "real", plausible characters. A Mysterious Volcanic Island The heavy tremors on the island bode ill for its inhabitants. Ancient temples have risen from the ground recently, bizarre creatures are terrorising the area. Fear and terror is spreading among the population. The End of All Hope? A group of powerful men who call themselves "The Inquisitors" have taken it upon them-selves to put an end to these events. They send an exhibition to this remote island, but a storm takes hold of the ship and destroys it at sea. A Hero Will Come - As if by a miracle, the player survives the shipwreck and is stranded on the volcanic island alone. He finds himself amidst a chaos of rebellion, tyranny and mystic rituals. He must now decide to which side the pendulum of fate will swing. labelimagesubject
Risen 3: Titan Lords Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014 1life abilitycooldown actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr aircontrol alcohol alligators ambientcreatures animals apples armwrestling asymmetriccreatures autorun autosavepoints bananas beach bigcats bioluminescence birds blackpearls blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles capacity-unlimited cave chapters chargedabilities chargedattack chargers chemistry circadiancycle containers cooking corpselooting counterattacks crafting crafting-sites crepuscularrays crocodilians crossbows crystals currency damagetypes dark-limited dashing demons depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame dock dodging doors druids ducks enemyhealthdisplay environment-animate factions falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points finiteopposition firearms fish flying foraging forest fruits fungus-mushrooms genderdiscrepancy giantcrustaceans giantinsects giantspiders gnomes goblinoids goblins golems gorillas handguns headswapping healing healingitems healingstations healthregen herbs holstering hostilewildlife insectoids insects interactivedialogs interrupting intimidation inventory island itemglow itemglow-manual itempickup-normal jewelry jumping jungle karma keys knockback ladders lamp lava lightbloom lockpicking lostpowers lostresources magic magic-sigils magic-somatic magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist mine minigames minimap monsters mystics namelessprotagonist neutralmonsters nochildren noshoprestocking npclooting npcschedules npcstrife obscuredtime openworld optionaltasks outlaws parrots parrying persistentworld physx pickaxe pickpocketing pirateprotagonist pirates plethoraofreferences potions powerups premadeprotagonist primates prospecting rating-pegi-16 rebornprotagonist recipes recipes-mandatory recurrence-character resting risen-series rp-levelless ruins safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scenic scrolls seamonsters serious sex shapeshifting shopping shore shotguns skeletons skinning sorcery spectres speedtree spiders stealing stealth stealthmode subterranean summoning swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker telekinesis teleport temporarycompanions testudines threatdisplay throwingknives thrownweapons town traps treasurehunt trespassing tropic unarmedfighting undead vendortrash volumetriclighting voodoo walking walkingarmory wasteland watercraft watercraft-large watercraft-location watercraft-small waterfalls wetland wilderness wildlife woundless xp-deeds xp-kills Piranha Bytes, the creators of Gothic and Risen, return to their origins with a new, classic RPG. Risen 3: Titan Lords pulls the player in to a hand-crafted role-playing world full of rugged charm where every decision changes the course of the story. Risen 3: Titan Lords is set for release in August 2014 for the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system as well as Windows PC.

The key element of the cult Gothic series as well as Risen is the vivid world and the freedom to explore it. The world of Risen 3: Titan Lords will be diverse, authentic and full of life, providing the player with an authentic, classic RPG experience.

"Like a carpenter with a hand-crafted piece of furniture, we put together the story, the characters and the landscape until it all fits and the player has the possibility to discover things all around the place. You can try out and find things that others might not. Exploration is the key to our game", says Bjoern Pankratz, Project Lead at Piranha Bytes.

The world of Risen 3 is abandoned by all gods and suffers from the Titan Wars when a new threat rises from the soil. A young warrior is attacked from the shadows and deprived of his soul. He sets off to reclaim what is lost amidst the darkness that is spreading throughout the world. The banned Mages could be powerful allies on his quest. To get their help, he needs to find the Mage sanctuary on Taranis, also known as the Island of Thunder. Protected by the Guardians, the Mages search the mines of Taranis for crystals loaded with magic energy. Will the player join the Guardians to get in contact with the Mages? Or will he choose one of the other guilds in Risen 3 to reach his goals?
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Vivendi Games (Starbreeze Studios;Tigon Studios)2009 5thmillennium achillesheelfoes aimmode airducts alarmers alcatraz ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints backstabbing bodydragging bodyslamming bossbattles chroniclesofriddick dark deathpits demo dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame distantfuture doors elevators environmentalcontact escape explosiveobjects extraterrestrial falldamage firearms fullbodyawareness future grenades handguns healingstations healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted indoors interactivedialogs itemglow jumping keys killingblow ladders leaning ledges lightdousing locationaldamage lostequipment meatshield meleeweapons mercenaries mine monkeybars movie neutralnpcs npcspawning optionaltasks otherworld outlawprotagonist prison prisonbreak rating-pegi-16 robots rotaryguns secrets serious shotguns skipnoninteractive spacecraft-location spacefaringage starbreezeengine stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealthgame subterranean titularcharacter titularevent tutorial unarmedfighting visionenhancer voiceovers This is an action/stealth game in which players engage in first-person fighting and gunplay as they attempt to escape from a maximum-security interstellar prison. Players use firearms (assault rifles, shotguns, pistols), hand-to-hand weapons (fists, knives, clubs), and stealth moves (e.g., neck-snapping, strangulation, and throat-slashing) to kill security personnel, hostile prisoners, and humanoid mutants. Some kills can result in enemies getting stabbed in the eye or being dismembered, resulting in limbs that explode and litter the ground. Red blood often splatters on the environment when enemies are attacked or killed. Players can also encounter a character that masturbates in his prison cell. Although the character's back faces the player during the act, the sequence lasts for about 45 seconds and involves some moaning and shuddering. Dialogue within cutscenes contains some sexual references (e.g., rape and necrophilia) and strong use of profanity (e.g., 'f*ck,' 'c*nt,' and 'p*ssies').***Remake of [game=Escape from Butcher Bay]Escape from Butcher Bay[/game] with added and improved content and longer story involving Riddick's "assault" on a mercenary ship called Dark Athena. labelimagesubject
Velvet Assassin  Gamecock Media Group;SouthPeak Games (Replay Studios)2009 1940s accuracy-motion accuracy-posture adv-ptdistr aimmode anatomicdamage autosavepoints backstabbing bodydragging clandestine corpselooting dark-limited difficulty disguising drugs dynamicaccuracy europe femaleprotagonist firearms flaregun fmod france gashazards gasmask handguns itemglow keys killingblow knives ladders lamp locationaldamage map meleeweapons militarybase missionbased multilingual objectiveindicator overpowered rating-esrb-m savepoints secretmission serious shotguns speech-french speech-german spyprotagonist stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound titularcharacter tragicending uvl-workingtitle worldwar2 xp-objects labelimageminimize